Welcome to the Pastel Floral WordPress theme created by dtbaker. This theme includes many hand drawn floral elements and would be perfectly suited to any creative market.
This theme comes included with a very powerful page builder so that editing your page layouts and creating advanced layouts becomes a breeze. This theme also supports WooCommerce so you can start selling your items in no time.
All the pictures and graphics you see in this live demo are included in the purchased theme. This theme comes with an easy 5 minute setup wizard so you can get up and running in no time.
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Our Difference
What sets us apart from the crowd?
Each of our designs are carefully created in a graphic program first. Ensuring a unique and strong identity base for the website template design. The design is then constructed in such a way that the end user can easily edit any part of the design with minimal WordPress knowledge.
Not all WordPress items are created equal and we pride ourselves on forward thinking techniques to make sure your website looks amazing.
Our Blog
La VIA dell’ANIMA “Non c’è navigatore che solcherebbe il mare senza bussola,eppure l’uomo di oggi affronta la vitatrascurando l’unico, vero, riferimentoche ha a disposizione, la propria anima.”Vittorio CaprioglioMedico, Psicoterapeuta e[…]
GUARIGIONE NATURALE “La guarigione è sempre e solo un’Auto-guarigione ed ha origine sempre e solo dal profondo di noi stessi.“ Alessandra Ricordo che siamo un unicum ossia un’unità inscindibile di[…]
RI-SVEGLIO del GUARITORE INTERIORE “Non esiste al mondo una ricetta miracolosa.L’unico miracolo è ri-svegliarsi a se stessidal sonno della propria apatia,della propria ignoranzae della propria inconsapevolezza.”Alessandra Non esiste né una ricetta,[…]
REAZIONI ai VIAGGI di AUTO-GUARIGIONE Ogni viaggio di auto-guarigione implica dei rilasci spirituali, mentali, emozionali e corporei, che non sono altro che energia ingabbiata, trattenuta e repressa. Le reazioni possibili[…]
PROBLEMI con l’AUTO-GUARIGIONE “Il Ben Essere dipende prima di tutto da noi.Da quanto vogliamo cambiare,da quanto vogliamo metterci in discussione,da quanto vogliamo ri-tornare in armonia con noi stessi.”Alessandra PASSI verso[…]
About Our Founder
Color (North American English) or colour (Commonwealth English) is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, blue, yellow, etc. Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light power versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects or materials based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra. By defining a color space colors can be identified numerically by their coordinates.
Our Shop
- 1300 123 123
- myaddress@example.com
- 10 Pastel Crt, New York, 5555